As Swift Transport’s innovative CSR initiative, #Kickback was not just about Football. It was conceived to holistically support the community, in partnership with the community, as a long-term initiative, to become a self-sustaining, dynamically evolving, community program. Seeded by the distribution of 1000 soccer balls, the #Kickback initiative was initially aimed to benefit the game’s most fervent and poorest supporters – the children of Zimbabwe – and then grow further. The campaign did evolve to also involve the initiative to save the pangolin, in partnership with the Tikki Hywood Trust (more on that here). Added to a tightly executed and intriguing 30” TVC, Twitter was selected as the main content channel of the campaign, driving viewers primarily to the simple, visually pleasing, and informatively succinct website – a huge turnaround for the local market, which generally has been “Always Facebook First”. Coupled with an effective digital campaign, the entire campaign was structured to garner maximum engagement and activation. To find out more about #Kickback, click here and to give back, here.